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We are Sound and Soul

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The 11th Hour is now Sound and Soul.

Wait… Whaaaa? How? Why?

Now, don’t go freakin’ out and pullin’ a Hudson on me (“We’re in some real pretty s–t, man! Game over!”), but this has been in the works for a while.

Back in the Spring of 2018, my initial excitement at becoming editor of the 11th Hour was more than balanced by my fear over the validity of print in the digital age. There had been some discussion that maybe, just maybe we should consider taking the magazine digital, but no one was quite ready to pull the trigger. Well, kids, the day has arrived… And I haven’t been this excited about my job since 100.9 The Creek went live and I cut my first Honky Tonk Hell. (Shameless plug: HTH every Tuesday night @ 7pm and presented by the ever-lovin’ Ingleside Village Pizza!)

Sound and Soul has arrived!

Some of you may raise an eyebrow ( I might even hear a giggle or two), but no other two words in the English language capture this part of the world better than those: Sound and Soul. It’s in the songs we sing and write and the struggles we endure. It’s in the legacy of our local businesses and our future as a diverse and thriving community. Sound and Soul is only a few days old, but it already means everything to me because we will never run out of stories to tell– and now, you and I have a place to share them with the rest of the planet!

We won’t be changing our aim or content. Music and pop culture, the Central Georgia community, our dining, shopping, and nightlife will continue to be the focus of everything we do– we’re just going to do more! I honestly feel this is a giant moonsault in the right direction– and while I’ll certainly miss holding the 11th Hour in my hands, I’m committed to bringing you the best interviews, reviews, and stories possible through Sound and Soul. 

For 18 years, the 11th Hour told the story of Central Georgia– our music and our culture, our successes and our failures. The 11th Hour has been so many things to so many people that it would be impossible for me to make any attempt to qualify its existence within the confines of this commentary. I’ve been fortunate to be a part of it, cursed to love it, and blessed to share it with all of you. 

If you haven’t already, like and follow us on Facebook for updates and continue to visit soundandsoulonline.com for fresh content. You know what we are, you know what we do, and that will remain a constant… 

We are Sound and Soul.