Piedmont Brewery & Kitchen Releases New Beer to Support Service Staff

In an effort to support its service staff during the COVID-19 crisis, Piedmont Brewery & Kitchen has released a new beer with 100% of the profits going into their newly created Piedmont Employee Relief Fund (PERF). The owners of Piedmont Brewery & Kitchen recognized the urgent need to assist their employees and will continue to grow the fund for future employee relief as well.

The aptly named Shift Beer is an easy-drinking American light lager beer, with 4% ABV, 100-ish calories and 3.5-ish grams of carbs. It is the inaugural beer in the Can’d Aid Series, which will focus on giving back to the service community– restaurants, breweries, and brewpubs.

“It’s a PERFect, easy-drinking beer……so drink up and feel good, ‘cause you’re helping to support a great group of folks here at Piedmont!”, said Brian Whitley, Head Brewer and co-owner along with Richie Jones.

Cases of Shift Beer are $50.  Call 478-254-BEER, to place your order for curbside pick-up.

In order to follow the COVID-19 guidelines, Piedmont Brewery & Kitchen is open daily from 11 am to 8 pm for curbside pick-up only. Customers with a valid ID may purchase beer for pick-up as well. Piedmont has also established a temporary mercantile so that shoppers may purchase a variety of other provisions, from food to dry goods to disposables. Follow Piedmont on Facebook and Instagram for daily updates of available provisions.