Bibb County School District Updates Meal Service For Students Due to Emergency Closure

Serving meals to children 18 years old or younger and 22 years old or younger for those with special needs. Children except special needs students should be present when possible to receive their meal and be counted for recordkeeping.

The Bibb County School District is offering meals at no charge for children while schools are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To help to flatten the curve of exposure, the District will serve multiple meals at each service drop. As of Tuesday, April 7, meals will be distributed only two (2) days a week. Deliveries are made one time a day in a Grab-N-Go method. Meals will continue to be delivered to select neighborhoods listed. Children do not need to be enrolled in the Bibb County School District to receive a meal.

Vehicles will travel through more than 60 neighborhoods to deliver food directly to children. Routes have been carefully planned to reach as many children as possible in 50% area-eligible neighborhoods in accordance with USDA guidelines. Delivery routes and stop times are attached. Please allow for delays in the event that the previous stop was heavier than expected.


Meals are provided in a Grab-N-Go format and are available during the week on days listed below.

Children May Participate at Any Location

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Delivery will include Tuesday & Wednesday Lunch and Wednesday & Thursday Breakfast

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Delivery will include Thursday & Friday Lunch and Friday & Monday Breakfast

Each week thereafter excluding Holidays, the District will provide meals on Monday & Wednesday.


Children Will Receive Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Lunch, and Tuesday & Wednesday Breakfast


Children will receive Thursday & Friday Lunch, and Thursday, Friday & Monday Breakfast