New Online Cybersecurity Certificate Programs Being Offered During CGTC Fall Semester

This fall, Central Georgia Technical College (CGTC) will begin offering two fully online Technical Certificates of Credit (TCC) in one of the nation’s fastest-growing industries, opening gateways to careers of the future.

Cybersecurity TCCs at CGTC are embedded certificates that lead students directly into valuable industry credentials for employment and future diploma and degree programs. The Cybersecurity TCC and the Cybersecurity Fundamentals TCC are designed to enhance the skills of the familiar student and introduce topics to the novice.

The College and its Academic Affairs Division have monitored the growth and demand for highly-skilled technicians in this field over the last year while developing courses to meet it. CGTC regularly monitors the trends in the local and state industry, working closely with its partners in the industry to meet their needs for skilled employees.

“Due to the rapid advancements in technology, cybersecurity is one of the most complex and challenging fields in Information Technology (IT),” said Shane Knighton, CGTC’s program chair for Cybersecurity. “It is also one of the most requested skillsets when we speak with our local industry partners. Any company that uses technology has a need to protect those resources.”

NBC News reports that as more people work remotely, and more businesses shift their operations online as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, cybersecurity is another field that will continue to be in-demand in the months and years ahead. In its online article, 5 skills experts say workers should master right now, it was cited that “an additional 4 million trained workers would be needed to close the skills gap and properly defend organizations.”

As the College gears up for enrollment this fall, Shane Knighton believes the right students for cybersecurity are out there looking for a new challenge and he expects faculty to equip them to achieve success.

“I am very excited for our department to begin offering these classes, starting in the fall,” he said. “My faculty and I look forward to working with the students to prepare them for a very challenging, but rewarding career.”

Students can expect to gain an understanding of broad Information Systems and Information Technology concepts; learn how to install, configure, and maintain computer hardware, operating systems, and networks; and develop an understanding of information security concepts, including security policies and procedures.

The Cybersecurity TCCs are eligible for funding through the HOPE Career Grant, meaning eligible students can complete this program tuition-free.

While not available yet, the College intends to eventually offer a diploma and degree option in Cybersecurity.

To find out more information about the Cybersecurity TCC email Shane Knighton at

Fall semester begins August 18. The $25 application fee and placement test requirement are being waived for the fall semester.