Long Time Human: No Shirt, No Shoes, Yes Problem

A short play about trying to get a shirt on my child.

(Two commentators, MARCUS and BOB, are perched at my dining room table while an unseen announcer introduces the main event.)


In this corner, at five foot seven inches tall, weighing 174 pounds, we have… BIG MAMA! And in the other corner, standing knee-high to a grasshopper and weighing in at a rough and rowdy 32 pounds, we have BOYCHILD the BRUISER!

Let’s get ready to FUMBLE (with our clothes because we’re going to daycare today)!

*Ding Ding*


It’s time for daycare and Boychild is not happy about it.


Looks like he’s tired, Marcus.


Yep. He is tired and cranky and Big Mama’s in for a real fight this morning. She’s coming at Boychild with a fresh shirt. Oh, he doesn’t like that, Bob!


No Marcus, he does not. Looks like he wants to wear his hand-me-down Santa jammies to daycare today.


But Big Mama’s not having it. It’s cold outside and she explains that Boychild.


But Boychild ignores her. He’s playing with his train, Marcus. Just wasting time in the ring.


Big Mama, now grabbing Boychild’s pajama top and lifting it over his head . . .


And the shirt’s off! It’s off! Great opening move by Big Mama. Now Boychild is shirtless and screaming. Definitely unhappy about that.


Big Mama pulls out two, not one, but two shirts! She is pulling the classic, “You pick out what you want to wear” move.


Slick move on Mama’s part.


Aaand… Boychild counters with a pointed, “I don’t want to wear nothin’.” Classic Boychild move, Bob


But mama saw that coming!


She sure did! Mama counters with a, “That is not a choice.” Boychild takes the shirts and… Oh, Oh! Is he going to put one on? NO! Boychild throws the shirts at Mama, Bob!


And Mama grabs a shirt… And, oh, she’s got him cornered! Boychild is up against the ropes and mama is putting the shirt over his… NO! Oh, no! Boychild pulls the shirt off! Now he’s running underneath the ancient Nordic Track, Marcus.


That Nordic track is old and dangerous, Bob. Looks like Mama’s in trouble. If she grabs him out now, she’s in for a hell of a fight.


How’s she going to deal with this, Marcus?


She’s moved on to bribery, Bob. Fruit Bunnies and some fishy snacks if he comes out and puts on a shirt.


Boychild continues to wail and ignores Big Mama. Big Mama’s going in. She’s moving towards Boychild…


Oh! And Boychild delivers a sharp uppercut to Mama’s chin! Looks like that hurt, Bob.


Sure did, Marcus. But she’s ignoring it and lifting him out of the danger zone. Now we have a series of kicks to Mama’s crotch. Ouch! There goes the baby-maker.


Mama’s got the Zen calm of a Buddhist monk… But it looks like she’s getting frustrated. She puts Boychild on the floor.


Now he’s under the mini-trampoline. Not a great hiding place, Marcus.


Nope. And mama lifts the trampoline over her head like the monster that she is. Boychild runs off to hide under the table…

(Time elapses. Both announcers are bored, doodling on their notes, checking Instagram on their phones.)


We’ve been here about what, 30 minutes, Bob? Seems like Boychild is running out the clock.


It’s a classic Rope-a-Dope move. Mama’s wearing down, chasing him from place to place with shirt in hand. She’s tried ignoring him, bribery, reverse psychology… All the tools in her arsenal.


The ref ss coming in now. He’s going to call it in Boychild’s favor if something doesn’t happen soon.


Oh OH! And mama comes over to Boychild and physically puts the shirt over his head!


Here’s the action we’ve been waiting for! He’s fighting! Fighting with all his tiny strength! What a struggle! This child is fighting for his life! He DOES NOT want to wear a shirt!


Big Mama is having a tough time. She has to manually place each arm into each sleeve, which is hard to do when those arms are whirling like a deranged windmill. Wait… She’s doing it! She’s actually getting the shirt on!


But at what cost, Bob? At what cost?


Boychild is depleted. Tear-streaked face, howling… He put up a heckuva fight.


He sure did, Bob. He sure did.


That’s all for this bout! Put it in the history books and be sure to join us next Tuesday when Big Mama and Boychild meet again for the Battle of the Bathtime!

H. Rice has created a child who hates clothing. Her son is currently not wearing any pants. Follow more of her adventures here.