Midstate Infusion Center Offers Unique Relief Through IV Therapy

Midstate Infusion Center offers a variety of intravenous therapies designed to promote mental and physical well-being in Central Georgia. Offering options that range from basic rehydration and workout recovery to metabolism and immunity boosts, Midstate Infusion also provides treatment for chronic pain and mood disorders through ketamine therapy.

“That’s the real reason I got into this,” says owner Brandy Snook, a nurse anesthetist currently pursuing her doctorate. “Especially now during the pandemic, there’s a ton of people out there that are experiencing anxiety, depression, PTSD, even from this. And those are the people that I want to help.”

Typically an anesthetic used in surgery, ketamine is also used to treat bipolar disorder, OCD, postpartum depression, anxiety, and treatment-resistant depression. Ketamine therapy has also been successful for those that suffer from chronic pain including migraines, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, trigeminal neuralgia, phantom limb pain, and Lyme disease complications. A referral is preferred to begin ketamine therapy, but you don’t necessarily have to already be undergoing treatment to get started.

“A lot of females don’t go to psychologists and psychiatrists. They go to their OB-GYN or their primary physician, their family practice doctor. And they’re like, ‘Hey, I’m not feeling right,'” says Snook. “A majority of our [clients] have had depression for years and it’s just gotten worse over the past year or so. The anxiety goes hand in hand with the depression. They’re anxious because they don’t wanna leave the house– so they don’t leave the house. Then they get depressed and it’s just a vicious cycle!”

If you are interested in ketamine therapy but don’t have a primary physician, Midstate Infusion maintains relationships within the Central Georgia medical community and will help you begin by referring you to a doctor.

For the basic rigors of everyday life without the need for a referral, Midstate Infusion is ready to provide therapies and injections designed to improve your overall health and wellbeing. Trouble sleeping? Muscle cramps? Fatigue? There’s a vitamin cocktail or shot that can be tailor-made just for you!

“Are you after more energy? Are you after more for the immunity? Are you a nurse working at the hospital that would like more of the vitamin C and zinc? If your post-Corona positive, we’ve had several people come in that just don’t feel themselves after having the virus,” Snook says. “Each patient, we see what you want, what you’re after, what your goals are. And then I’ll mix up whatever you want!”

Midstate Infusion has therapies to improve hair, skin, and nail health, boost the body’s immunity during cold & flu season, help with post-workout recovery, and improve metabolism as part of a personal weight loss program. You can even make an appointment after a night out to relieve your hangover!

“You can plan your hangover and we’ll give you a little extra headache medicine through your infusion for those nights out. Or if you want a pregame infusion! If you know it’s happening on Friday night, come on in Friday morning! Or get one Friday for Saturday night,” says Snook. “We’re here to help you feel better so you can get out and you can do better. So you can be yourself again. So you can just be you, whether it be through hydration, mental health awareness, and wellness, just feel better.”

Midstate Infusion Center is located in Macon, GA at 3333 Northside Drive. Call 478-221-2988 now to make an appointment and learn more! Like & Follow Midstate Infusion Center for news, updates, and monthly contests!